8 Healthy Workweek Meals

8 Healthy Workweek Meals

With school back in session and summer over, a lot of us are getting back into the workweek grind. We recapture our organized ways, which means writing menus, meal preppin’, and hitting the grocery stores. Our busy days sometimes extend into the evenings with...
Online Job Interview Scheduling

Online Job Interview Scheduling

Attention job seekers! Did you know that we now offer the ability to schedule interviews online? This saves you time so you can more quickly get into the office for your interview and onto starting your next career. How Does Job Interview Scheduling Work? Candidates...
Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

With the beautiful weather in the forecast, it’s the perfect time to go green and celebrate Earth Day! Here are some of our favorite tips and activities to make the local Fredericksburg area more sustainable. Favorite Earth Day Tips & Activities Start a...
The Word-of-the-Year Discovery Tool

The Word-of-the-Year Discovery Tool

A few weeks ago Ginni gave each of us the task of completing the Word-of-the-Year exercise. She learned about it in one of her professional networking groups and wanted to share it with the Matern Staffing team. So, last week we met over a video conference call...