Phew! Time is flying by, and I’m finally catching up on writing about my client visits. For my latest work experience I visited a leading manufacturer and supplier of concrete masonry, dry mix, and hardscape products in Milford. Milford is a small community in Caroline County tucked near Caroline Middle & High Schools and the Mattaponi River.
Our Partnership
Many years ago our client placed multiple job openings in the newspaper. We followed up with them, and weeks later we became partners. When I first arrived, Ed and Brandon gave me thorough safety training and I received a tour around the plant. My safety gear included a hard hat, vest, gloves and safety glasses.
My Assignment
They assigned me to run the bag line. Seeing all the switches and knobs extremely intimidated me for my first time working a bagging line. I filled concrete bags by pushing two knobs causing concrete to fall from a hopper into the sacks. After the 80-lb bags filled, they cinched shut, and moved along the conveyor belt where machines lifted them onto pallets. Talk about some hot and dusty work! I made Calvin (who has been with the company for 40 years) stay with me for the first 30 minutes to make sure I caught on quickly. After awhile I got into a groove and kept up with the production needs. At times I felt I slowed them down, but Calvin reassured me that I caught on quickly and was keeping up (maybe he was just being nice). During their busy season they run three shifts 5 days/week. Incredible!
Company Loyalty
I had such a good day and enjoyed meeting new and familiar faces. Many employees I chatted with, like Calvin, Sylvia, Ed, Barbara and Brandon have been there for several years. I enjoyed lunch with them and loved learning that Sylvia and Barbara run the office and the crew!
This past summer our client needed to hire a Plant Manager and decided to promote Brandon Harrison to the position. Matern Staffing first placed Brandon here on the bagging production line. Soon, our client hired him full-time, and he worked his way up and became promoted to Plant Manager about a month ago. We want to congratulate Brandon on his hard work and dedication and wish him much success! After spending a dusty day in the concrete yard, I realized the folks working for our client are just as rock solid as the product they produce (made in the USA, btw).