A few weeks ago Ginni gave each of us the task of completing the Word-of-the-Year exercise. She learned about it in one of her professional networking groups and wanted to share it with the Matern Staffing team. So, last week we met over a video conference call (I’m in Raleigh) to share our words. As the exercise suggests, choosing your word isn’t magic, but magic-like things can happen after you embrace it!
The Word-of-the-Year discovery tool is typically meant for the beginning of the year. But, here’s the secret – you can do it at anytime. It turns out, this exercise couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Summer is winding down and both my girls will be in elementary school full-time next school year. While that has all it’s “big life” moments, I think it means I’ll have some time to fill. While, I could sit down Peggy Bundy style and eat bon bons, we all know that won’t happen. I want to set some personal and professional goals, and use the time wisely and with intention. Thereby, comes my word of the year – FOCUS!
Completing the Word-of-the-Year exercise made me consciously think about how to guide myself over the next few months. Presently, I divide my time between Matern Staffing, assistant preschool teaching during the school year, personal blogging and stay-at-home mom. Sometimes I have a difficult time switching gears and feel scatterbrained. During the exercise, I listed new daily habits and practices such as daily meditation and Trello boards to incorporate. It also helped me identify triggers such as lack of routine or cell phone distractions that could prevent focus.
Since I work at Matern Staffing only part-time and remotely, it also served as a great tool to connect with my coworkers. I enjoyed listening to their Words of the Year, and their challenges and goals. Our office staff crosses different backgrounds and ages, so it was fun to share our thoughts aloud and be each other’s advocate.
After sharing my Word-of-the-Year, I’ve made small changes and feel less scatterbrained already. I’m setting my intention for the day or moment and following through with it. While I still have a ways to go towards being more focused, and know the start of a new school year might set me back a few steps, I hope I can keep moving forward. Finally, I’m excited to be a cheerleader for my coworkers as they embrace their words of change, friendship, laughter, commitment, and change!